Motheo tvet college Application

Motheo tvet college Application

The Motheo Technical Vocational and Education and Training College was formally established by the Department of Education. is located in a free state. TVET College was constituted from the merger of the former Bloemfontein, Hillside View, and Thaba Nchu technical colleges and the Kagisanong College of Education.


  • Bloemfontein Campus
  • Hillside View Campus
  • Thaba ‘Nchu Campus
  • Botshabelo Campus
  • Koffiefontein Campus
  • Zastron Campus
  • Artisan Academy
  • Plot 32





REPORT 191 N1 – N6

Business & Utility Studies


Business & Utility Studies

REPORT 191:N4 – N6

SETA Accredited

TVET Certificate Hair Care, Beauty, And Nail Technology

Learnerships And Skills Training

Requirements for the Courses

National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Levels 2 – 4
NC(V) LQF Level 2: Gr 9 or 12
Applications and admission requirements
Students will also have to write an entrance test (CAP test).
Report 191 National Certificate N4

Business and General Studies

  • Gr 12
  • N3
  • NQF Level 4

Report 191 National Certificate N4

  • Gr 12 with Mathematics and Science
  • N3 Engineering
  • NQF Level 4

For post-Grade 12 programmes, applicants must have passed Grade 12/N3/NQF Level 4 or it is equivalent. Registration documents
During registration, the following documents must be available:

  • a certified copy of the latest school results
  • a certified copy of the Identity Document
  • necessary registration fee
  • proof of residence

Foreign Students

  • a certified copy of the latest school qualification
  • a valid study permit until the end of the relevant study period
  • foreign student registration fee

Motheo tvet college Application Prosedure

Foreign students:

  • Certified copy of Passport indicating approval of studying at Motheo TVET College
  • The full amount of class fees
    Applications and admission requirements:

National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Levels 2 – 4

  • NC(V) LQF Level 2:
    Gr 9 or 12

Report 191 National Certificate N4 (Business and General Studies)

  • Gr 12
  • N3
  • NQF Level 4
    Report 191 National Certificate Engineering N4
  • Gr 12 with Mathematics and Science
  • N3 Engineering
  • NQF Level 4

For Matheo Online Application Click here

More about the Motheo Bursary scheme

Tvet Online Application Updates

Contact Motheo Tvet College on the details below

c/o St Georges and Aliwal streets Private Bag X20509 Bloemfontein 9300
Central Office: 051 406 9300

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